.Trust our experience in High-Power Network Tools and Communication Tools.

Atelier Web Life

Site was down

Due to a regrettable accident on the server, the website has been down for about one week.

The whole system has been restored to a different server and things appear to be working now.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


AWTT – Launched

Launched on 4th October 2021.

AWTT, Atelier Web Trader Toolkit for MT4 and MT5, is a really innovative Toolset, not only because it does not run inside MT4 and MT5 and is amazingly faster than any Indicators or EAs, but most importantly – because it has been proved to be able to turn the Odds into your favor in the Big Game of Probabilities that Trading really is. Read more here.


Googolp 2.6

Even when things were working fine for a long time some Windows 10 update may break them apart for unknown reasons.

We were alerted a few weeks ago that the 64-bit version became broken and spared some time to fix the damages and introduce a couple of improvements.

AWRC (Pro/Regular) 14.5

Release 14.5 of AWRC (Pro, Portable and Regular) mostly address a number of  issues related to Windows 10 updates since last July.

You can download the PRO version from  here, and the regular version from here. The Portable release is available for testing upon request.

IPV6 Enabled

This website is IPV6 enabled!

If you don’t have an IPV6 IP address, it will not be a problem, you will browse the website in the good old traditional IPV4 way.
Either way the final result will be absolutely the same, so happy browsing! Just realize that one day the whole internet will be IPV6-only. When, nobody really knows but the IPV4 address space is already exhausted and the whole internet is moving to IPV6.

New Tools Section

We are pleased to announce the general availability of our Tools Section, which you can use totally for free.

Currently, the Tools are:

  1. IP Database Search – Up to 200 IP Search Queries per day from our Online Database – one of the most accurate and comprehensive in the World.
  2. Email Validator – You can verify that an email address is valid before spending time answering, or you can clean an email list. All is done without sending an email to the recipient. This is an extremely useful tool. Currently we allow 20 queries per day.
  3. Windows Passwords – You can find in milliseconds what Windows password corresponds to a given NTLM hash, if it exists in out mammoth 205 GB Database with more than 5 billion entries from published lists of easy passwords, common password, English and foreign language dictionary words, foreign language common passwords, and also compilation of short passwords built according to various strategies. Hashes are retrieved with our software AWRC Pro directly from a Windows system. You can query up to 100 hashes per day.
  4.  NTLM/LM Hashes – You can obtain hashes from passwords and you can also verify whether a given password is in our Database. By default, you can also contribute to make the Database grow.