Using Syscall
This is a complete working example which will make a Syscall call to retrieve the number of processors.
- Note1: It will only run on a 64 bit Operating System.
- Note2: the system service 33h used in the example is only suitable for Windows 7 – 64 bit. For Windows 10 – 64 bit (at least until Redstone 2) the system service number is 36h. For other editions look up here (function NtQuerySystemInformation).
; ml64 -c -Zp8 numprocessors.asm
; link /entry:main /SUBSYSTEM:console numprocessors.obj
option casemap :None
includelib \masm32\lib64\kernel32.lib
ExitProcess proto :dword
includelib \masm32\lib64\msvcrt.lib
printf proto :ptr, :vararg
Reserved1 byte 24 dup (?) ; total=24
Reserved2 qword 4 dup (?) ; total=32
NumberOfProcessors sbyte ? ; total=8
format0 db "Number of processors: %d retlen: 0x%x retval: 0x%x",13,10,0
main proc
LOCAL retlen : qword
mov retlen,0
lea r9, retlen
mov r8, sizeof basicinfo
lea rdx, basicinfo
mov r10, 0
mov eax, 33h ; Windows 7=0x0033, Windows 10 until redstone2=0x0036
lea rcx, format0
xor rdx, rdx
mov dl, basicinfo.NumberOfProcessors
mov r8, retlen
mov r9d, eax
sub rsp, 20h
call printf
add rsp, 20h
mov rcx,0
call ExitProcess
main endp
; link /entry:main /SUBSYSTEM:console numprocessors.obj
option casemap :None
includelib \masm32\lib64\kernel32.lib
ExitProcess proto :dword
includelib \masm32\lib64\msvcrt.lib
printf proto :ptr, :vararg
Reserved1 byte 24 dup (?) ; total=24
Reserved2 qword 4 dup (?) ; total=32
NumberOfProcessors sbyte ? ; total=8
format0 db "Number of processors: %d retlen: 0x%x retval: 0x%x",13,10,0
main proc
LOCAL retlen : qword
mov retlen,0
lea r9, retlen
mov r8, sizeof basicinfo
lea rdx, basicinfo
mov r10, 0
mov eax, 33h ; Windows 7=0x0033, Windows 10 until redstone2=0x0036
lea rcx, format0
xor rdx, rdx
mov dl, basicinfo.NumberOfProcessors
mov r8, retlen
mov r9d, eax
sub rsp, 20h
call printf
add rsp, 20h
mov rcx,0
call ExitProcess
main endp
Result obtained in the test computer:
Number of processors: 12 retlen: 0x40 retval: 0x0
Note: The number of processors corresponds to the number of threads of the CPU, not the number of cores, which in this case is 6.